digiQC mobile app

Enhance construction quality control and assurance thru digitized simplified workflow processes.


Instructor: Harsha WLanguage: English

About the course

digiQC is a digital platform for quality control & quality assurance of the construction sites. digiQC has two platforms :- 
(i) Mobile app - For checking quality inspections & raising site issues
(ii) Web portal - for monitoring & analysis of the agencies/contractors
In this course you will learn how to conduct quality inspections on the construction site, give instructions of the site issues & send notice to the concerned people using digiQC mob app.
There are 5 types of roles in digiQC :-
1. System admin (SA) :-
System admin is generally Quality Control Head at Head Office. SA is the only person in the organization who can add new users, EQC Type and agencies in the organization level in digiQC. SA does not have access to mobile application.
2. Project Admin (PA)
Project Admin can be multiple for the project and can add user & agencies for his project. PA can rename EQC till all stages (in-progress status) are not completed. PA can use mobile application to do quality inspection. PA is generally Project Manager/ Construction Manager/ QC site in charge.
3. Inspector
Inspectors is generally site engineer. Inspector can be multiple for the project. Inspector can do inspection and can access web module in read only mode.
4. Remote Approver (RA)
Remote approver is a feature in digiQC where a Project Admin/System Admin can set remote approver for checklist stage. If a remote approver is set for any checklist stage then EQC done on site will be sent for approval and can be proceed ahead only after remote approver’s approval.
5. Auditor
Auditor can review and comment for all the assigned project. Auditor is generally RO Head/ Consultant/ Expert.

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